(C) Copyright 1989-2010, Omni Consumer Products

TW1L7/P0N3 BIOS V2.1

Main Processor : HAL 9000 3.0PHz
Memory Testing : 3725488761002667K OK + 4294967296K Shared Memory

Initiating bootup sequence...
Error : could not access B: drive
Bootup sequence halted
B: drive encrypted, password required...

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secret (DO NOT OPEN)




Failed to execute!
Error: gf.dll not found.

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Made by Obsi
Assisted by Leth

Fonts used:
Atari ST 8x16 System by divVerent
Cooper Hewitt by Cooper Hewitt
Liberation Sans by RedHat

Background by Reuniclus

All fonts are used under an open licence. If no licence was provided free use was assumed.
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